
Below is a collection of recorded music I have worked on in some capacity. I've divided my work into three categories: music released as Oddeline (where I am writer, performer, and producer), music I have produced for other artists, and recordings where I am credited as a co-writer and/or feature vocalist.

And I will share a little about the projects along the way!

as oddeline

mercury ascendant

single (2024)

This song was written back in the thick of the pandemic at the end of an extended period of writer's block, which I filled with the music of Bob Dylan. I think I was trying to fill myself up with his creative spirit, which was so inspired and prolific, and eventually, this spilled out. Lyrically, it's inspired by a trend I noticed in folk and country music (Bobby included) of exalting women for being quiet in a way that feels a little off to me. The arrangement was brought to another level by stellar Ottawa musician Jacob Clarke, who provided the cello and double bass. Vibes & inspo playlist is available on Spotify.

Little bUll

Single (2024)

This is a mighty bitter song, also lyrically inspired in part by Bob Dylan, but that musically owes a great debt to Brazilian Popular Music. Producing this track was a wild ride, from a hectic single drum session to both craft the part and get the final recording, to falling out with the original co-producer partway through the process, to a happy ending brought about by the gorgeous string playing of Nyx & Lightsmith… but I'm quite proud of the final result. Check out its strange batch of influences on Spotify.

Fated to Drown

6-song EP (2021)

After a few dissatisfying experiences working with other producers, the breakup of my band, and the start of Covid-19 lockdowns in Canada, I decided to learn to produce my own music. This process began with converting my band's rehearsal space (a cleared-out storage room in my parents' basement) into a DIY studio, buying a couple more mics, and jumping into the recording process. The drums were recorded in my drummer's livingroom, the bass was done remotely with my bassist recording parts we crafted together over Zoom, and the rest was in the basement studio. The cover is a picture I took of my sister, inspired by depictions of Shakespeare's Ophelia, shot at a park in the neighbourhood where I grew up.

As Producer

overgrown - Mars Aspen

Single (2023) - engineering, production, piano, guitar, and backing vocals by Oddeline

The production of “overgrown” began when Mars reached out to me asking who had produced by EP, so that they could work with the same producer. Always having wanted to be a producer, I was delighted at the opportunity, but also felt extremely nervous and underqualified. Due to Mars being a full-time student and me working 2 jobs at the time, the production was a slow process, but “overgrown” was finally shared with the world in August 2023. I engineered all of the sessions (between the parents' basement studio and Digital Arts Resource Centre), and provided acoustic guitar, piano, and some of the backing vocals, along with creative production. “overgrown” garnered 10,000 streams on Spotify within its first three months and we couldn't be happier with how it turned out!

Cowrites & Features